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Chakradharini, Cherry

Sr. HR & Talent Acquisition Executive,

Career Coach, Content Creator 

& Business Owner


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I'm an HR & Talent Acquisition Professional that thrives on helping others, paying it forward and going above and beyond with each and every task. I'm enthusiastic about growing and gaining new skills on my HR journey. I value learning from others, genuine connections and hearing about other people's passions and how I can possibly help. I truly believe in getting tasks done along with sharing my smile and laughter along my way while landing someone on their dream job!

There’s nothing like the thrill of a candidate’s enthusiastic “Yes!” to an offer, and an equally pleased hiring manager who just landed a top performer. Perhaps even more satisfying is successfully recruiting a superstar and then seeing develop a billion-dollar product. Knowing my efforts impact the bottom line keeps me going every day.​​​​​​​



Career coaching employees and new graduates or high school students one-on-one to help reach career goals and full potential. I help with career planning, career changes, career advice, and other career decisions. 


My Services


LinkedIn Makeover

Take your LinkedIn profile to the next level and turn it into a POWERFUL career tool that spotlights your skills, experiences, AND impresses your network of connections.  92% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find high-quality candidates. You need to ensure your LinkedIn profile is found when users search for your skill sets and that it makes an impact, setting you apart from the competition.


Resume/CV Reviews

Your resume is often the first thing a recruiter or hiring manager sees and uses to form an opinion of you as a candidate. So it is important to make sure your resume does a great job of highlighting your strengths. A professional resume review can help you find areas of your resume you can improve to help you stand out as a leading candidate for the positions you are applying for.


Career Mentorship

Career Mentorship is not a Therapy. My main focus is your professional effectiveness and success. However, I do acknowledge that professional and personal lives are interconnected and affect each other interdependently. I can help draw connections between the two to maximize your career efficiency. That is while targeting your dream job at your dream companies! 

White Cream Money Works Job Photo Linkedin Banner.jpg


My Quotes

"In 100 YEARS of our life Journey, the last 70 YEARS are the result of your actions & decisions made in the first 30 YEARS"
~ Chakradharini


February, 2022

“The Transition From Student Life To Work Life📃✔️"

March, 2022

"3 Questions Your Resume MUST Answer!! 📃✔️"

April, 2022

“Top 3 Key Points Job Seekers MUST UNDERSTAND 📃✔️”

4000+ Subscribers

for more Articles



Thanks, Will connect soon!

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